Monday, April 6, 2009


It has been a while since I have posted. This is because we are out doing the work, putting out the 41 cent piles in communities and (1) wishing everyone well; (2) adding our love to the world, let everyone who touches these coins feel it on the deepest levels; and (3) adding out light to this world, intending that all who are touched by these coins get the message to Wake Up!.
This creates a beautiful channel into love, light, and restoration of health wherever these coins go. A stealth wake up campaign.

Here are some frequently asked questions:

1. Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Roosevelt all had prejudices. Some owned slaves, others were racist, or philanderers. "History" teaches us that they were flawed individuals. Isn't it hypocritical to invoke their faces and names in this work?
This work is not about history. History is never completely accurate -- it is a story we tell ourselves. To what purpose? To inspire us, to warn us, to instruct us, or to depress and despair us.
The perspective of intent is to "empty" all symbols of their previous weight and gravity, so that they no longer bind us to a knowledge that usually leads us to suffering, and then to "recreate" those symbols in our own image -- so that they inspire us and support the world we intend living in.
That is how this work is conceived. I am not interested in these historic characters that I have never met truly lived their personal lives. I am interested in advancing a nation and a world that is based on inspiration, light, love, integrity, healing justice, and the prosperity that comes from gratitude and generosity. that is my intent. I have chosen certain historic characters that came to me in visions and meditations to represent some trait or factor that each of these characters seemed to advance in their writings, even though they may have only gone so far.
Our mutual intent will make it happen, in accordance with OUR image, not theirs.

(2) Isn't it naive to think that this small effort is going to change anything?

This question, which I have heard a lot directly, and also in the non-verbal dance that I have witnessed in this material, says a lot about the individual asking the question. Also, it helps us illuminate a "truth" about the workings of intent and manifestation in this world.

Real "power" to change comes first from the unmanifested -- what we call intent, Life, divinity, the nagual, the tao, the Lord, etc. To harness this power, requires first of all that we are in accord with the desires of the universe. Second of all, that we give it a channel in which it can nourish and grow a living force. Third, give it a voice and a symbol in which to breathe living substance into its development. Fourth, a movement or a project in which to begin manifesting here, and then, fifth, a following with which to make it universal.

Folks who aren't familiar with this process are usually quite frustrated. However noble their intentions, they are usually "wounded warriors". They rightly claim that perusasion is difficult, that change comes slowly and with much effort and suffering. Rightly, because this is their experience in life.

Those of us who are fortunate to have witnessed life in action at its deepest levels, see the world as a much simpler and more fulfilling venture. It is a partnership between life and us -- a marriage, almost. Our job is to do a lot of listening and following directions. Also, to express our deepest desires, to have a dialogue with Life through our reflected experience and wishes. In its way, Life also listens and follows directions -- like us, to the best of its ability. After all, there are 6 billion or more conversations with Life going on simultaneously. Life responds in a way that is harmonic with all of them. So the manifestations of our conversations may appear differently, in different sequence and time, and usually in a more complete and wonderful manner than our small imagination can conjure.

There is no doubt that what we wish for is going to manifest. No doubt at all. What will be interesting is to witness how "history" unfolds this manifestation. It will not look at all like what we had in mind -- it will be better in almost every way! It may not appear instantly from our point of view, but it will appear! The lesson of my teacher, don Miguel Ruiz, was intend, but don't assume or expect. Assuming, expectation is the birth of suffering. Intending is the birth of liberation.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for joining in. Thank you for your 41 cent intestment.

Gene Nathan M.D.